Application Comment Details

UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil)
Amazon EU S.à r.l.
Safeguarding Amazon peoples’ rights
11 October 2019 at 23:35:13 UTC


a) The ICANN Board decision to delegate the .amazon top-level domain to the Amazon EU S.a.r.l company, disregarding the arguments in opposition and the alternative proposals from the governments of the Amazon region countries;

b) The political, economic, historic and cultural rights of countries and peoples from the Amazon region;

c) The exceptions and exclusions already accepted by the ICANN board recognizing, at first, the legitimacy of ACTO claims regarding the above mentioned rights;


e) The need, nonetheless, to better clarify and objectively and unambiguously define those exceptions and exclusions;


That the .amazon gTLD will only be associated to words that designate unambiguous Amazon EU S.a.r.l’s trademarks, duly registered according to international law, not being associated with the .amazon gTLD:

- all the words that denote mountains, valleys, rivers, streams, islands, or any other landforms located in the Amazon region, as well as their cognates in Spanish, English, or any other language;

- all the words that denote animals, plants, fruits, fauna and flora medicinal active principles, or any other amazon biodiversity expressions, as well as their cognates in Spanish, English or any other language;

- all the words that denote cities, villages, settlements or any other human cluster in the Amazon region, as well as their cognates in Spanish, English or any other language;

- all the words that denote countries, states, counties, districts, justice bodies, military and police forces, or any other political and administrative instances in the Amazon region, as well as their cognates and translations in Spanish, English or any other language;

- all the words that broadly denote economic, political, cultural or scientific activities that are or could be undertaken by companies, governments, universities or individuals based or located in the Amazon region, e.g. “indústria”, “hotel”, “turismo”, “viagem”, “governo”, “educação”, “universidade”, “escola”, “museu”, “pesquisa”, “festa”, “artesanato”, “biodiversidade”, “biofármaco”, “biomassa”, “fitoterápico”, “DNA” / “ADN”, “genético” or any other words with similar semantic value, as well as their cognates and translations in Spanish, English or any other language;

- all the words that denote or identify living or extinct indigenous languages or dialects, as well as words which are part of these languages vernaculars, including those that name indigenous work techniques or processes;

- all the words that denote traditional festivals, folkloric expressions, food, drinks, religiosity and beliefs of amazon peoples, including real or mythological beings related to those folkloric and traditional expressions, as well as their cognates in Spanish, English or any other language.


SBPC - Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência

SOCICOM – Federação Brasileira das Associações Científicas e Acadêmicas de Comunicação

ABPEducom – Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores em Educomunicação

ANCIB - Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação

ANPAE – Associação Nacional de Política e Administração da Educação

ANPED - Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Educação

ULEPICC-Br – União Latina de Economia Política da Informação, da Comunicação e da Cultura – Capítulo Brasil