Application Comment Details

Shauna Joseph
DotMusic Limited
Community Evaluation Panel
Support for .MUSIC Community Application
1 July 2015 at 23:02:04 UTC

I am a Music Community member and support the .MUSIC community application because DotMusic:

1) is supported by relevant entities representing over 95% of music consumed globally (a majority), including entities mainly dedicated to the Community (IFPI, FIM, ICMP, IFACCA, IAMIC, ISME, A2IM, WIN);

2) is the only Applicant without a Community Objection or any relevant, substantiated opposition;

3) commits to align its music-tailored Registration Policies with its articulated community-based purpose to serve the legitimate interests of the Community;

4) commits to “use clear, organized, consistent and interrelated criteria to demonstrate Community Establishment…aligned with [its] community-based Purpose” and uphold its established Community definition of a “strictly delineated and organized community of individuals, organizations and business, a logical alliance of communities of similar nature that relate to music” that “encompasses global reaching commercial and non-commercial stakeholders, and amateur stakeholders.” The definition is aligned with Wikipedia’s “Music Community” definition (“a logical alliance of interdependent communities that are related to music…comprise[d] of networks of musicians, promoters, and interested people… an ensemble of practices and institutions that make possible and regulate the production, distribution and consumption of music,”, retrieved July 1, 2015). Its Nexus “matches the applied-for string because it represents the entire global music community and allows all constituent to register a .MUSIC domain without any conflict of interests, over-reaching or discrimination;”

5) is governed by the multi-stakeholder global Music Community;

6) has enhanced safeguards to increase trust, protect copyright and prevent cybersquatting. These include: restricting eligibility to Community members with the requisite awareness of the Community defined without discrimination; only allowing legal music content and usage; no parking pages; stopping domain hopping; anti-piracy takedown policies; authorization provisions; permanent blocks; privacy/proxy provisions; true name/address mandates; trusted sender complaints; registrant validation via a mandatory two-step phone and email authentication process; a priority-based launch phase for Community members belonging to Music Community Member Organizations; naming conditions only allowing registrants to register their name, acronym or Doing Business As; a Globally Protected Marks List to protect famous music brands;

7) commits to implement both proactive and reactive enforcement measures, such as proactive zone screening, Community crowdsourced enforcement and random compliance checks, with appropriate appeals mechanisms to fix compliance issues under its .MUSIC Policy & Copyright Infringement Dispute Resolution Process (MPCIDRP) independently administered by NAF; and

8) is accountable to the global Music Community through its Public Interest Commitments that clarify its commitment to serve the Community and public interest.

DotMusic clearly exceeds the criteria required to pass CPE, responsibly serving a higher purpose to fulfill the music-tailored needs of the Community and introducing innovations, such as the Premium Channels and a global Song Registry to enable quick, simple and legal music licensing.